this post shud b post on thursday...but b0 internet rawrs!!so sienz dat time
anw back to the post,
thursday it was HUI XSIN'S BIRTHDAY!!another sweet sixteen~
well as usual~mei theng bought presents agan...den until at skool she put the present on the table for so long...den she finnaly came we tot she wil nvr came dat day
lol tis present is small but inside got many tings!!
got 2 shirts,1 pair of GOLDEN shoes,n 1 adorable bag!!
her bday card!!
ermm sry 4got to capture her present fotos
1st period was teaching agan = =
2nd period was we learn bout hurdle =D well b4 jumping~do sum morning exercise >.<
hehe...guess how i take tis pic~
go do ur stretchin!!
oi yiru!!dun b so lazi~
ok hurdle time...well i oni take some students foto~=D i oni put while jumping keke
1st level:juz jump over 2 card boards
ooooo mei theng jumping XD
2nd level:jump over a box 3 times sir preparing~
wah shortie erica can jump!!
mei theng sir call u to jump!!not walk!!
3rd level:jump over a cardboard agan but high =D
jump!! ermm erica or hui xsin?!same height haha
4th level:backside mode(put the leg up lik dog peeing =D)
lol purposely make it fall~sir scolded him
lol do it properly ad~his leg can put so high!! tracy yoga~
erica peeing?!
last level:jump over those boxes
can she made it?O.O
sopo jumping XD
another sopo~
oo finish hurdle so laz warm up~
den stil got time~yiru,ka ling n erica pull mei theng for extra exercise den i walked pass dem, suddenly also been pulled by dem~@@
run ar run~run ar run~@@ tired
den its bio~TT nid to take my saliva agan lol...tis is the 4th time alredi haha
these apparatus again~
my saliva~so bubblish pouring~
den its math~zzz still at chpter 6 zzz so darn boring!! luckily tamil come n take d measuring tape for measure those prefects shoulder bcuz we prefects gonna make blazer~TT so i go teman wit him to measure(main reason is to ponteng)XD
but after finish measure all d prefects..stil got time to lunch time haiz haiz...den i go 5m lepak~d teacher der absent...den nth to ply, so ply measure measure
wooooo~big tummy XD
47 inch XXXXXD
den lunch time~weee bak kut teh yum yum!! i eat 2 rounds waka big appetite dat day~ den after lunch is nid to copy...den suddenly... teacher's fon rang n she pick up the fonn continue riting
saw dat fon?!
can see wat model mar?!
lol rite until crooked still crooked!!geng o.o haiz after copying our teacher giv us our mid year exam timetable!!
rawr!!so many days!!why all people so faz finish exam d...except for us after holz straight away exam?!TT
den now its computer lessons~
dat day lesson bout typing tutor = = lol
den teacher show how to use...but the keyboard plug was loosen...den teacher call kavi to plug it properly~
repairman lol...he 1st time see computer lol n keep pluged out rong ting~
den i n erica race for typing~
erica's result
my result TT so low...if i use my house keyboard i sure many slightly faster den her XD jkjkjkjk....den after dey go to for ply "look alike meter" and "morph into celebrity" ...bcuz we saw 1 GORILLA into GONG LI...LOL
look alike meter...the child looks like mother by 21%
lol i tink dats all for this blog~
7:19 PM :D
Friday, May 16, 2008
may 16th is Teacher's day!!haha 1 of the BIG celebration of the school~ welll~wen i went to skool...wah almost part of the school students wearing casual wear...shud wear to school also~hehe den i went to class i saw the girls has alredi prepare the books for teachers...hehe dey draw until nice nice d side view~ got 16 books here(left 1)stil haven draw finish
this is the slideshow for the decoration of the books den the prefects call every1 to go up b4 the teachers do...den i saw few performers, i took a picture wit dem =D 5 shorties~XD SO the perfomance has started,the MC call mr anis to giv some speech for the teachers day bla bla bla =D i took a picture of tracy,mei theng n yiru(actually dey wan to took a picture dat cover the faces but im a lousy photographer,each pic sure got 1 showing face hehe,so i put tis pic) den its time to our head prefect to giv an speech n let the CEREMONY BEGAN!!
Below are the perfomances that perform at teacher's day, there are videos n pictures.If you are lazy to see or load videos,just see the pictures only. F.Y.I: some performance doesn't have videos or pictures haha...n 1 or 2 perfomance i didn't take video or picture cuz it is not nice kaka...
1.Nursery Rhymes by Junior 1 1,2, buckle my shoes 3,4, shut the door hapy teacher's day =D
2. Malay students sing 2 malay songs ~ ~
3.Indian Dance by Gopi the famous model and his friend the right side is Gopi shake ur bumps ~ chop chop~
4. "Low By Florida" dance by BaoBao n Joe Yee(actually dey r actually dancing same steps) ~ ~ ~
this is the video dat dey dance
5.Teacher singing b4 dat... cut the cake~
sing duno wat song~ bhind the scene~w00t mr toh.singing XD clap like sha poh = =
6."Way Back Into Love" sang by form5 "All I want to do is find a way back into love "... "I can't make it through without a way back into love "... "You know that I'll be there for you in the end" Finished
7.Dance By Jin Hui(my classmate!!! =D)n his frens(my fren also) =D starting~ 3 down~ ~ jumper!! ~
8. "Thriller" dance by form 2 ~ ~ ~ ~ now the video
form 2 dance!!
9. "Hug" dance by form 5
form 5 dance!!
10.The Best Teacher of Srimurni In 2008 opening the envelope~ Announcing~the best teacher goes too.....MR.TOH CHUN FEI"screams n shouts" congratulations sir~
11."Tonight" sang by Mei Zhen n Kok Kian starting~ ~~~~~
well middle of the perfomances...some teacher sing karaoke!!lol it is force by us tho~haha 1.Mr.Rama 2.Mr.Gangga n Mr.Krishnan singing high-pitched~ sir, u 2 roks =D rap rap~ wah, dey 2 so famous wit junior alredi 3.Pn.Salmah
w000t~the perfomance finally over,wakakaka!!!den tamil ply water balloons~wanted to splashed at 2, 1 miss n 1 more oni splashed until the leg booo~den jenny wan to fite...everybody trying to stop her lol but we cant den luki sir come in time phew~ tamil dey all alredi order dominoes~so i quickly went down to eat the dominoes!!! so delicious~ lookin wat? dun kacau~bz eating pizza wen we eating,ka ling saw the chili powder n straight go n eat those powders den yiru go n try but she lik wanna to eat n dun wanna to den jason force her to eat XD eat it!! she drinkin our SPRITE!! = = cuz too spicy jason also ate some lol...he also felt spicy dey 2 go ask ka ling:"not spicy meh?" kaling :"nothing taste leh" her tongue got something rong lol
yeeek~my fon almost gonna no battery...i go find n find n find people for exchange battery with me...same battery wit me d say :"nvr bring o" or "dun wan to change" and wanted to change wit me d haiz "not the same size battery wit me" den i take form 2's w580i to take =D actually i not oni join my class for party hehe i also pay for form 5 for party kekekekeke EAT EAT EAT!! the pizza dat eat juz now not enuf!!! when i go deir class...the girls at the class pale-ing deir cosmetic
den azean has brought the foods alredi!! got KFC, PIZZA HUT many more =D weee~nice nice... all rushing to get food =D say "chicken" =D enjoy our food =D haha dat class all skinny people, cant eat much wakakakaka!!u wil noe wat happen"evil" den Ngek Ngek~ply WATER TIME!!den i go spray the students too!!! = =...tamil is the most grose for all...he got mix wit eggs,flour,biscuits,cola cola n some water...YEWWW!!!SPRAY ALL OVER MY SHIRT!!luki i got 3 shirts too skool...haiya lazi ply water d...wan to see the event at the skool field my bro~=D all soaked by pipe water
wen i went to field...yay tug of war has alredi started Teacher Vs Student Teacher side wit some students student side im redy im redy!! but in the end ...TT we lost NOOOOO!!lol got mr.toh the muscle man also kenot win after dat match...WALAO MY LEG SUDDENLY CRAMP MOVE ALSO KENOT MOVE!!luckily yen lin helped me, my cramp oni cure a little but stil pain nvm i stil can ply another match =D but end up losing D=
den is another category actualy is female team...but every go n join include boys saw me?!saw me?!"pull"!! while pulling the rope,LOL the rope "putus" alredi, EVERY1 FALL!!the 1st time in my life while tug of war the rope lol... everybody fall!! rope so short alredi!! but den...yiru was hurt~she was crying.... everybody go crowded at yiru... den she went to rest....
after dat is musical chair~lol too bad b0 pic... cuz i went bak to ply water!!kekekeke but tamil been splashed by muffin water he go washed up at swimming pool...YEW!!!DAT POOL IS SO DARN DIRTY~ havin fun?~ cleaned up alredi?~
last but not least....halim poured those egg water at jenny's bak~ tada~w000t almost avi1 so hapi~
den jenny is so dam frustrated...she find halim everywher,lol but cant find so decided to take halim's bag for threat him...= = lame
anw, for so many "teacher's day"tis year is the most fun d!! haha dats all for this post!!!this post make until my blog so darn lag!!
8:32 PM :D
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About This Fattie~*
-Benny Kok-
-Proud to be my parents' son-
Hang out with friends~♥
Taking photos[and with friens]~♥
Cook/Fry/Steam/Grill/etc Meals~♥
Watch TVB Dramas~♥
My Wishlist~*
[ ]Wanted to change my phone~*
[X]My dad din nag me for 3 days~*
[ ]Someone sponsor me buffet(High Class)~*
[ ]Have my driving license ASAP~*
[X]My Biology can get 60++(it happen!!!)=D~*
[X]Have the Most Fun Sweet Sixteen ever!!Don't wanna waste it~*
[X]Have the Most Fun Birthday Celebration on EveryYear!!=P(2009)
[ ]My Birthday's Wish Came True~*
[ ]Get Things Done ASAP~*
more wish list coming soon~*