plyin "ji gu pang" lose eat french fried wit mix juice + sauce LAME!! xD
my meal!!
lalala~finish d...n call for the bill...haha luki enuf not over rm200..juz rm192.20..haha cheaper den my party lor @@...anw thx agan for inviting me ^^...n 4got to take foong foto...n he dun wan too = =
den sunday~
well easter day~den i go to church..for supportin enrollment service does easter~
band performing~oooo lolx..lynn,josh ng n ric lanci...dey all not at der d band aso quite diff XD
den after service...all wait for youth outing ^^..til 2pm start goin~weee off to bukit jalil~..we went to d nice n is big @@..we went to ply station games tho~
stairs @@
stairs agan!!
we separate into 6 groups here~
i in group 4..n i ldr team got anita,marcus,floyd,peter,daniel n laz but not least...we took another group's member...jean O.O
n off we go..we 1st is go to station 4...n dat station is d place we r group each other XD...dat station is bout news bout stars n politics @@...n sudoku bhind~oh yeah..each station oni hav 10mins to we juz finish a few question bout IQ n stars but politics lolx we done d page..thx to daniel~n thx to marcus for sudoku @@
nex station is...
station 3 *risky station*..OMG...we keep find dat station so sen fu~joseph is not standin wher d map is suppose is...we wasted 10mins to look for him or even more~@@ lolx dat station is bout blowing pingpong from cup to cup...but we oni blow til d 4th cup..we dun wan to take d risk to blow to the other cup XD...
go ta!!
opps drop off..once drop off has no points nid to start over agan~
3rd station *tiring station n is most sen fu 1!!* bout exercising @@... d points is given how many task u can do climb up d stairs n come down...@@ is so high!! we guys lik wanna die for d 1st wan run at d bridge from 1 end to d other end...dat 1 ezi la >< to pumpin...nid total up d pumps is 100 @@...well we pumps 103 XD
4th...he simply tink us to find chui keng for umbrella...but we find no sign of chui keng den we go bak..cut us points cuz late zzzzzzzz nvm!!
meanwhile~jean say so hungry...den wen we go for to d 5th station...we scream "FOR FOOD" lolx...=P dats our cheer~
4th station *brain station* bout each 1 of us oni can take a straw den tink of ani ideas put d beans at d bowl...n d leg not over d line~or sumtin?! we keep shoot n shoot...cant cuz bounce out...den LUKI WE GOT TA!!she came out an idea..we joined d straws n put d beans inside n pour it at d bowl~weeeee...we get quite alot of points~ n we heard melissa say other teams quite cheatin n dey win alot of beans @@...haiya nvm la XD
5th station*eziest station*...we no nid go find...hui min come n find us XD...cuz she lazi wait at der~her station is...we nid to turn 20 rounds n stack up 6 dices...dats all...but wen jean turn til 17 round she fell~@@ hui min say let her rest continue ltr...sry hj!!i din take care of her well...but she stil use d cheer "FOR FOOD" "FOR DRINK" LOL...she is so dam thirsty n wait for a water game or sumtin XD
6th station*curious station*...i kinda lik tis~is bout all team is blindfolded except for 1 n wil lead us to collect rubber bands...n u duno wher u r goin cuz u 1st time go to d map n walk walk walk fun~XD...woo ta lead us...cuz she say she bit dizzy..n she gd at leadin ^^...n 1 part got bout nid to steps d tiles to cros d river~lolx keep almost drop XXD...scary...den ta make us imagine... say we r in d forest lolx..its juz a bamboo ting haha~ den to d laz station
7th station*versus station*...HAI DAI HAI DAI!!got 1 vid at may san blog~is a "ji gu pang" game but instead of scissors paper stone we make a jellyfish sign..side..front n win use water to spray n for lose got umbrella to block it XD..lolx..wen plyin opponent team win d but she take umbrella n my team so take water to spray on her XXXD...n she blur d @@...2nd game to blow d balloon dun let it drop =D
wooooo~finish le!! n our cheers
COME TRUE!!FOOD N DRINK!! but jian hold us cuz we haven worship for d food...after worship...
all rush inside for FOOD!!N DRINK!!not even my team..others aso rush to it~
hotdogs nuggets @@ ALOT!!
1 sec eat 1 piece..all hungry dao!!
n guess what?! MY GROUP GOT 2ND!!unexpected XD~cuz we all juz ply for food hahahahaha!!GREAT WORK GUYS..IM PROUD U ^^!! ...n thx to ta for leadin us...blowing d ball n D BEAN TINGY!!
lik 7 go bak home~
all sing love story,hot n cold...many more XD
den i sit taxi go bak home @@...den hui min ask me to eat pizza hut at connaught~
2 regular..4 mushroom soup..1 jug of 7 up...1 garlic bread n 1 more breadstick @@
lolx damm fulll!!
i n hui min chit chat...while d other = =
hahaha!!our skool teacher has uniforms aso u noe?!
NATIONAL SERVICE LOL!!but lolx oni for 1 day duno why~
n guess what?!i tink d rain make tis happen~
our flag d string putus d XD
haha oni msia flag can put it on...uh oh...selangor flag cant...tanda malang!!
oh tis nth...juz wanna show off my rubix XXXD
n finnaly...our room d!!
FINNALLY...we use it 3 years ago...woo so dusty~i call the prefects girls from 3k to help~
thx girlz~
what u lookin at = =
lol today~i wear green shirt...dat is senior middle uniform if u guys duno...cuz my shirt haven dried off yet lolx...nvm wear green shirt can flasback my senior middle life~lolx guess what...
all cant recognize me @@...even teachers wan to find me aso see properly oni noe~...n i can camouflage in class 3k XD...
tis is my other pair of green uniform~haha signed =X...
lolx~for fun take tis foto...she say her drawing is so nice..XD is it?
kla dats all for tis post @@~adieuz